Creating Connections and Opportunities
Since 1973, SETA has provided a forum for thousands of workforce professionals in the Southeast: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
SETA is governed by a twenty-member board of directors representing all eight member states, along with private sector representatives from across the region.
- Each member state provides representatives to serve on the SETA board.
- Member states host our annual fall and spring conferences on a rotating basis.
- Between conferences, member state representatives host webinar-based learning events.
Growth & Outreach
Outreach includes expanded marketing and branding, engaging thought-leaders from other regions, and providing a platform for non-southeast state members to engage and network at our conferences. While serving our members states remains our core focus and priority, SETA is actively expanding our reach throughout the country. We currently have many members from beyond the Southeast region, and we hope to continue to grow this segment of our membership.
SETA members are best-in-class workforce professionals with access to innovative ideas, results-driven professional development, and valuable networking opportunities.
Members include:
- Regional & national policymakers
- USDOL representatives
- State workforce agencies
- Workforce boards
- Community colleges
- Private & public sector providers
- Human & social services staff
- Federal agencies
- Others involved in workforce development

What we do
SETA promotes workforce excellence through these efforts:
- Two major conferences each year; one in the spring and one in the fall
- Implementing best practices in workforce development
- Tracking recent legislation and how it impacts the profession
- Training and development
- Networking with peers in the workforce development industry

Benefits of Becoming a Member
Why Join SETA
SETA has a membership base of approximately 1,500 with access to a range of services and opportunities, including:
- Training and development
- Benchmarking – learn ground-breaking strategies from peers
- Networking with frontline workforce professionals
- Building your professional network and professional portfolio
- Online membership directory
- Online notices of member news
- Bi-annual newsletters
- Low-cost membership and conference registration
Download Member Forms
To download the membership form, choose the appropriate application below and send it to the address indicated on the form.